Sunday, September 6, 2009

So here it is.

First Entry. Written as I am watching Sportscenter celebrate it's anniversary with some old school clips. After several months of contemplating about what to write, how my layout will be like, and so on, I finally decided that what the hell, just start it already! So here it is. No, it is not impressive and no, it probably won't live up to it's title, but YES, I have gotten over the self-conscious part of this whole blogging thing. 

Of course, reading other blogs did not help. From seeing extremely talented bloggers show their DIY creations to almost mesmerizing at beautiful girls who display their outfits of purchases that would make any girl green with envy (yes, a mouthful), it was hard to realized that it doesn't matter what other people think. It's not a competition. I only have one person to impress. Myself. I guess that's a tough enough task as it is.

Let it be known that this blog is purely for my own enjoyment. I don't expect it to have a bigger readership than one (due to force). I guess it will pretty much be about everything and anything I like. So, we (I) will see how it goes. 

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