Although I've been browsing around the web looking at new collections and possible finds, I definitely have not been in the buying mood lately. Some older and newer pieces have made me me happy, lately, and I have been perfectly fine with wearing them in different combinations throughout this winter. With that said, I spent months looking for something velvet and some type of body chain when both items were accessible at no extra cost.
This Gap velvet coat was something I bought in middle school (I have not grown!) and the body chain is something I converted from an Express chain belt that was purchased in high school.
Pairing all this with my Bebe mesh cut-out leggings, black Zipia vest, and French Connection dress.
Yes, another gloomy day.

Gap velvet coat, French Connection shoulder cut-out dress, Bebe mesh cut-out leggings, Express chain belt/body chain, Zipia vest, Miss Sixty boots
I've been complaining about the weather here all winter, but in actuality, I am very grateful that Houston hasn't been impacted by flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. 2010 is just approaching the end of its first quarter and there has been already been so many devastating natural disasters around the world. It's somewhat terrifying to think about how vulnerable we all are.
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