Monday, October 12, 2009


Courtesy of: my Sony Cybershot
Anthropologie Outer piece, F21 Zipper Dress, Nine West heels

I wore this outfit a couple weeks ago. Thought I would post it now since I never got a chance to previously. I got both pieces when I went to Dallas in mid-August. I was actually surprised by the quality and look of the dress when I was scavenging through the North Park F21. A few hours later on that same day, I also scored the Anthropologie piece for a fraction of it's original price. What a happy shopping day that was. 

Thought I'd get a quick post in before this week starts to get hectic. Since I promised myself that I would be more committed to this blog, I thought why not update each time I got a chance to. 

Pretty typical day today. Came home and made this: 

Courtesy of: my Iphone
Tomato Cream Spinach Penne

Yum. This is definitely going to be one of my staples. 

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