I told myself before I moved in to this new place thatI would cut back on all my other expenses in order to compensate for the higher rent. This included cutting back on all those sushi nights, reading the weekly grocery ads, and eating the terrible ends off bread loaves. Notice how all my cutbacks involve food. Yes, understandingly it is because my last four years in college have consisted of me eating out day and night due to certain circumstances in which I will not mention. I will say though, that it is quite pleasant to really have your own place and be able to cook your own food. I am digressing. Anyway, so how has my credit card bill been so far?
Well, let's see. After a make-up haul from Sephora, full batch of clothes coming in from Korea,more splurges at Neiman and Bebe, Saturday Night Seafood dinner, 500 + Channels HD Cable bill (oh, does anyone really watch more than 10 channels?) - I would say that the ole' credit card bill ain't doing so well. This was from one weekend, btw.
So you are scoffing and thinking how a lavish spender can save. Well, if you really know me and have been out with me at all, you will know that I am selective on what I buy and I will admit that I am a bargain hunter. No, not quite a full pledged slickdealer' yet, but I do like bargains, I do like nice things and yes, I will gladly take both at once or none at all.
Don't get me wrong though. I do like to splurge once in awhile. What girl doesn't? Those that say they don't are lying to you. Especially if they have the means to do so.
In this recession (well, economic downturn according to Bernanke), many have turned their heads' towards devising a plan to remain fashionable, yet more economical in doing so. The most common current trend is to thrift and only occasionally make purchases that will "last a lifetime"(think little black dress). Although I am all for this idea and do follow it from time to time, I am the impatient type who can't always be bothered to ravage through loads of clothing in a thrift store. So let's take this one step farther.
Instead of going to the local thrift store, let's go through our parents' old wardrobes. Yes, many of us aren't blessed with an amazing collection of hand-me-downs from our parents. So I propose this: let's go through OUR old wardrobes. And yet again there will be those who shoot down this idea as well, but let me tell you that I am almost certain that there are pieces in EVERY wardrobe that can be utilized in one way or another.
Trust me, I know. I was the Abercrombie-wearing, trend-following, typical teenager out there and YES, there are pieces in from my little Abercrombie collection that I wear to this day. So go ahead and keep your Abercrombie and Hollister as there is nothing wrong with that. Although the "prep-look" has often been vilified more often than not in these past few years, who am I (or anyone else) to judge another person, especially when it comes to materialistic aspects of life?
This has been a long winded post, but one that I felt like is necessary. Not only does it act as (another) introduction to my blog, but it gives a preview on what you can expect from here on out.
I leave you with something that is pretty normal to the fashion blog world. On a typical day at school, however, it was a magnet for wide-eye stares:

Courtesy of: my Iphone
Bebe Snake Skin Leggings
-$15 (> 50% off MSRP)
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