Thursday, November 19, 2009


                                   UT Engineering Corridor on Thursdays                 

This semester, one of the engineering clubs here at UT decided to start selling a pizza lunch which includes 2 slices of pizza, 1 can of soda pop, and 1 scrawny bag of chips for only $2. As you can see, the line is extremely long. I would say over 50 people deep. So deep it is that I cannot even capture all the people on my Iphone.Why hasn't anyone thought of the idea prior to this year? Why didn't I think of it? The best I saw in the years past was a small donut sale every Monday and Friday. Well, Thursdays now rein supreme and it doesn't seem like any bake sale or competition can come close. I blame every college student's need of the two C's: Cheap and Convenience.